Wednesday, April 27, 2016

SPB Executive Summary

Executive Summary
Strictly Panther Business, better known as SPB provides students a space to exercise and explore their entrepreneurial skills while applying concepts learned in the two previous years in the Academy of Business. SPB is a student owned and student operated Junior Achievement Company at Miami Palmetto Senior High School. The company designs, produces, markets and sells PantherStrong brand products with a team of 27 students, our teacher/advisor, and local business adviser. The ultimate goal of our company is to donate $500 towards the remodeling of our school’s weight room. As of now we have 480 dollars going to the gym room but once we sell out we will surpase our goal. 

• Wristbands- Blue / Black / Red
Glow in the dark 
White PantherStrong Print
• Chap Stick
Panther Smooth Logo
Refreshmint Flavor 
• Necklaces
Panthora silver paw-print charm
Silver chain
Presented in an organza bag with chocolate
• Headbands
PantherStrong logo on a blue elastic band
• P Stickers
Light blue “P” with glossy white or matte grey finish
Weather resistant
• Hairties
Panthora silver heart bead
Elastic band available in tie-dye, blue, chevron, pink, red or black
• Lanyards
Grey lanyard with light blue PantherStrong logo
Dark blue lanyard with white Palmetto Panthers logo

Strictly Panther Business started with an initial investment of $480. With 75 stocks total, 27 stocks were issued for free so every employee would hold at least one share in the company. The remaining 48 stocks were then sold in a closed market for $10 each. Each member of the business was allowed up to 5 shares. 

Friday, April 22, 2016

Why PR is so important to SPB

         In our company, Public Relations is responsible for controlling the relationship between SPB and our customers. They also shape the light that people view our company in. The Public Relation team of SPB contacts local newspaper companies and works with the school's PTSA to spread the word and make sure that people know where to purchase our products and why one should support our company.

         Our PR team works hard to ensure that our market knows about the unique program that this business runs through and how we give back to make our community a better place. Because of SPB's PR, people know that this business has provided students with an irreplaceable  real-life experience towards a business or finance sector not available in any other class in this school. By choosing the third tear of entrepreneurship as a class in their schedule, students are able to get a taste of the business world and find out if they would enjoy pursuing business as a possible career. This class also teaches students real life skills such as teaching information about taxes and working together as a team. In this way, by supporting SPB, one is supporting aspiring entrepreneurs and students looking to grow our community in future businesses.

          Furthermore, SPB is on track to surpass our goal this year to donate over five hundred dollars made from selling our SPB products to Palmetto High School's weight room revamp project funded by many organizations and private donors as well. The more that our class sells for the remainder of the year, the more money we will be able to donate to our school's weight room.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

SPB's CEO Biography

Chief Executive Officer- Shelby Reamer

      Shelby Reamer, A senior in the class of '16 contributed to the 2015-2016 Strictly Panther Business as CEO of SPB. Shelby was elected CEO due to her experience as her Varsity Lacrosse team's captain as well as the leader of several community service projects throughout her high school career. This contributed to her strong leadership presence in the dynamic of the 2015-2016 SPB. Shelby worked with her team to create innovative ideas for SPB such as introducing wholesale products and providing fundraisers for teams and organizations. Shelby will be attending the University of Florida and plans on using the foundation that this business has provided her to succeed with a degree in business management. Shelby worked hard to keep her team motivated and follow through with ideas which helped the 2015-2016 become the most profitable company so far.