Friday, January 29, 2016

Vision Mission and Goals

As with any successful business, we too have a vision, mission and unified goals. Uniquely, SPB made it's values based on our entire class's beliefs rather than that of only leadership positions.

Our Vision: Knowledge and success through experience and unity.

Our Mission: We challenge our teams to come together and work with sincerity, integrity, and eagerness, building experience in our pursuit to provide unequaled products and service to our panther community.

1. To introduce and instruct our peers on the fundamental principles of entrepreneurship.
2. To generate the maximum amount of profit from initial investment.
3. To maintain an efficient and professional working environment.
4. To benefit our school, community, and non-profit charitable organization.
5. To sustain our image as a dependable and recognizable corporation.

Friday, January 22, 2016

SPB in a nutshell

Strictly Panther Business, better known as SPB is known for their PantherStrong products seen around Palmetto. Currently we have stickers, lanyards, and wristbands circulating our school and have many new products coming soon. SPB is a business run through Junior Achievement and takes place during 2nd period in room 205; however, our work doesn't stop there. Our team of 27 dedicates their time throughout our entire school day and after, to create and sell products along with growing our business.

Our class has a unique and exciting dynamic. We work in five main teams that work together to meet a common goal. Our class is very competitive and is mainly driven by the opportunity of bringing our stock value higher than years prior. These five teams consist of Production, Public Relations, Human Resources, Finance and Marketing as well as two CEOs and two CFOs.

Although our class is motivated by the idea of making a profit, we also are driven to make our community better. Twenty-Five percent of our profits are going to the Community Foundation of Pinecrest that will put the money back into our school. Knowing a quarter of every dollar we make goes back to our community makes this class more whole and rewarding in the end. Our class will be able to choose specifically where this money goes in our school whether it is for our athletic facilities or towards a smart board in one of our classrooms.  Last year SPB donated over 250 dollars to a charity of their choice and this year our goal is to beat that number.